1. Software - Choose from one of the certified software vendors (available on The DAC website at dacnet.org - Choose one. Your software vendor should be able to explain what you need to get your office up and running in terms of computers, or peripheral hardware.
  1. Call the DACnet office Toll Free at 877-538-3123 to Request and complete the subscription agreement forms or visit the DACnet website (dacnet.ca) to complete the subscription agreement and fax or mail back with payment. Wait for the unique provider numbers, office number and a start date, which will be provided by the DACnet Help Desk.

Skip to Step 4 if you are NOT planning on submitting claims for ADSC- Alberta Dental Services Corporation (Alberta Employment, Immigration, and Industry Program) (Quikcard), Bilsland Griffith Benefit Administrators, Manitoba Blue Cross, Ontario Ironworkers, Pacific Blue Cross, Quickcard and Simply Benefits

  1. Sign up for instream CLAIMSTM– see note in red above and contact your software vendor for more information.
  1. Contact your software vendor and provide them with the Provider ID and Office ID received from DACnet

Computer or hardware peripherals needed

To get the right computer for your office, ask your software vendor to send you a Hardware Specification List so you have the hardware requirements for the program you choose. Some of the peripherals you may need are:

You will need a LaserJet printer to print the EOB (Explanation of Benefits) for your patient, or your preauthorization EOBs, receipts etc.

You will need a backup system. Talk to your software vendor about what they recommend for your backup.

Once you have all the above elements, you are ready to start taking advantage of the benefits of electronic claims submission!